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MR Neurography

Serving Nationwide – MR Neurography Exam available in all 50 States!

Texas Brain Institute, LLC – with its clinical partner the Neurography Institute in Santa Monica (California) is a leading source in diagnosing and treating disabling nerve pain syndromes that develop after many types of traumas – particularly motor vehicle accidents.

Among the most important areas of disabling nerve pain after car accidents are Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS). This is a condition that affects the bundle of nerves that travel from the neck to the shoulder that control and carry pain signals from the sides of the neck, back of the neck, shoulder, arm, and hand. This bundle of nerves is called the “brachial plexus.”

Proving the details of a nerve entrapment – such as Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS) has been a nearly impossible task in the past. The common causation of TOS is whiplash. Here at Texas Brain Institute, in conjunction with the Neurography Institute, we are the Center of Excellence for a dramatic breakthrough in identifying the details of a nerve injury or painful nerve entrapment by MR Neurography imaging.

Nerves are invisible in standard MRI, but with MR Neurography, not only do nerves stand out clearly (like a blood vessel in an MR angiogram), but injuries and nerve entrapments are bright and clear, standing out from normal nerve and so are definitively diagnostic as well as being convincing to physicians, jurors, and Courts.

Magnetic Resonance Neurography (MRN) is now the subject of more than 500 peer-reviewed medical publications and more than five thousand online publications. It is has won Daubert/State admissibility challenges throughout the US and is transforming personal injury law by allowing injured plaintiffs to recover from damage in a vast new class of painful and disabling injuries. Neurography is also proving to be a critical defense litigation tool to investigate and disprove false claims.

MR Neurography exam will include images, clinical interpretations, and subject matter expert report by the world-renowned neurosurgeon, Dr. Aaron G. Filler. Specifically,

  • MRI Neurography scan
  • Clinical interpretations of Neurography scan
  • Brachial Plexus Images indicating injury – see attached sample redacted images.
  • Subject Matter Expert Report on Mechanics of the injury, and the relation between the impact and the resulting functional deficits. This Expert Witness Report (15+ pages with images) is backed by references and publications.

In order for Texas Brain Institute to proceed with scheduling your DTI exam, or please call 1-888-900-1TBI or email