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DTI (Diffusion Tensor Imaging)

Serving Nationwide – Brain DTI available in all 50 States!

Texas Brain Institute is the gold standard in diagnosing and treating Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).

Proving the details of a TBI has been a nearly impossible task in the past. Most evidence of Traumatic Brain Injuries is invisible in a routine MRI, that is because routine MRI cannot detect white matter injury that causes water to leak from neural tracts. However, state-of-the-art Advanced Brain MRI known as DTI (Diffusion Tensor Imaging) can accurately detect and document all the subtle injuries that interfere with the normal functioning of the operating circuits of the brain. DTI can detect this (leaking water), making it the best marker for brain injury.

At Texas Brain Institute, we use DTI data and FDA approved software to provide 3D color tractogram that show exactly where a brain has suffered a critical traumatic injury.

DTI is an FDA-cleared Protocol.

The extensive detailed, published research with more than 20,000 peer-reviewed publications, courts throughout the United States are admitting DTI into evidence and allowing expert testimony based on it.

DTI is admissible for head injury from motor vehicle accidents, explosions, fights, anoxic injury (low oxygen) events, falls, and a wide variety of other types of events that can cause impairment of brain function.

If the injury is not detectable by DTI, it effectively does not exist. If it is shown clearly on DTI, it can stand as a proven fact. DTI has been ruled admissible under Daubert and similar standards in numerous State and Federal Courts. The validity of the injury is definitively resolved by DTI.

The legal value of a DTI scan report is highly dependent on the expert who makes the report. A serious problem with DTI has been severely misinterpreted and misdiagnosed by a neuroradiologist. Many neuroradiologists can only comment on anatomic findings. They do not see patients and can only warrant a clinical correlation. A neurosurgeon practices clinically and trained in understanding the analysis of a DTI. A Neurosurgeon can comment on clinical correlation between the patient’ symptoms and the findings on a DTI scan. Therefore, Texas Brain Institute relies on a neurosurgeon expert, an inventor of DTI (U.S. Patent – 5,560,360), Dr. Aaron G. Filler, MD Ph.D.

Dr. Filler’s proprietary DTI protocol examines and measures over 35 separate brain locations and provide specific data showing the statistical significance of each abnormal finding, and correlates with patient’s report of symptoms that commenced at the time of the injury. For instance, an injury in the fornix can impair new memory formation, an injury in the hippocampal cingulum impairs attention, an injury in the middle cerebellar peduncle can cause vertigo and balance problems, injury of the basal forebrain can cause insomnia, injury to the “thinking” part of the brain in the frontal lobe, injury to long inter-connecting paths in the brain critical to speech formation, and normal conversation. None of these are even tested for in many neuroradiology reports of DTI.

Further, our Medical Director, Dr. Filler is additionally knowledgeable in the biomechanics of brain injuries, determining what part(s) of the brain are injured by certain type of impacts and can clinically evaluate a patient’s correlated neurologic status that can help determine factual causation in your case.

Dr. Filler has been deposed hundreds of times, has testified in scores of trials throughout the US, and has never been excluded as an expert.

Texas Brain Institute Comprehensive DTI exam report include:

  • Brain Tractography (DTI scan)
  • Quantitative analysis of 7-sequences with 10+ series
  • Clinical Interpretation of DTI scan
  • Reading with measurements of FA value
  • Brain Images indicating injury
  • Examines more than 35 separate brain locations and correlate patients’ symptoms that commenced at the time of the injury with findings.
  • 3-Dimensional video of Advanced tractography of the memory circuit critical to the financial impact on the injured person’s earning potential and compensable effects of brain injury
  • Expert Witness Report (25+ pages with images) backed by references and publication

In order for Texas Brain Institute to proceed with scheduling your DTI exam, or please call 1-888-900-1TBI or email accept Letter of Protection (liens) for those represented by an attorney or self-paid. And, of course, we will work directly—as patient advocate—with health insurance companies for those covered.

In addition, Texas Brain Institute is the unlimited expert in the field of DTI imaging illuminating spinal cord, sciatic nerve and cranial nerve injury for complete diagnosis.