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Volumetric MRI

Serving Nationwide – Volumetric Exam available in all 50 States!

No upfront cost for Volumetric MRI Scan

A Brain MRI with 3D post-processing allows Texas Brain Institute to assess neurodegeneration in its earliest stages. The tool segments and measures volumes of the key brain structures hippocampus, ventricles and other brain structures and compares the volumes to standard norms based on your age, gender and cranial volume. Testing can last up to 90 minutes. Volumetrics generates multiple visual and quantitative reports for each test performed.

This information helps assess neurological conditions and neurodegenerative diseases such as;

  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Epilepsy
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Multiple Sclerosis

In order for Texas Brain Institute to proceed with scheduling the Volumatric MRI exam, please call 1-888-900-1TBI or email